Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Week 43: Habitat Build

I spent this past Saturday working on a Habitat for Humanity renovation.  HFH is an organization that gets a lot of buz in the community and it was about time that I experienced it for myself. 

If you are looking for a great team building volunteer opportunity, this is one that I would highly recommend. 

The experience was one that took me outside of my comfort zone and gave me a glimpse into the reality that many families face.  The home we were renovating was in a significantly low income area of Sacramento.  Much different from the neighborhoods that I am accustomed to.  Most of the houses on the street were in poor condition.  Many were boarded up or torn down.  From what I could tell by the neighbors coming and going, it was also quite diverse.  

Two SHFH families were on site with us throughout the day, and were very appreciative of our help.  The team lead for our volunteer group had provided lunch for everyone.  One of the mom's had never had Togo's before and kept saying how delicious it was and thanking us.  She was even more grateful when she was able to take home the leftovers. 

We spent the day prepping the interior of the home for paint.  There was no experience necessary and all tools/materials were provided.  There was plenty of work to be done and it was a messy job.  At the end of the day, I felt accomplished.  The entire day served as a reminder of all the things that I have been blessed with and shouldn't take for granted. 

What is Habitat for Humanity?

Sacramento Habitat for Humanity, an ecumenical housing ministry based on Christian principles founded in 1985, is a local affiliate of Habitat for Humanity International whose mission is to eliminate poverty housing worldwide and to make decent shelter a matter of conscience.  SHfH is one of almost 1600 affiliates serving the United States and 90 developing countries around the world.
As individuals and an organization we:
  • Recognize our social and moral responsibility to help the working poor
  • Seek and work in dynamic partnerships to develop our community
  • Work to increase overall home ownership in Sacramento County
-  SHFH is a non-profit 501(c)(3), private, non-governmental organization
- Serves Sacramento County relying on the local community for volunteers, materials, services and financial contributions to fulfill our mission
- An empowerment program, not an entitlement program, giving people a hand-up not a hand-out

Interested in volunteering in the Sacramento area?

Christine A. Roybal
(916) 440-1215 ext. 1115

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Week 42 - Reflection

Looking back on this past week, I feel incredibly inspired.  I know that the mission of "52 Weeks 1 Difference" was to inspire others.  Ironically, the more time I give, the more I learn about all of the AMAZING programs and people that exist in our community.

A movie quote keeps coming to mind.  The movie, Country Strong, was kind of a downer.  However, I love Gwenyth Paltrow's line, "Fall in love with as many things as possible."  That is how I have felt throughout this journey.  My initial thought was that I would volunteer at 52 places and find one or two things that I felt really passionate about.  It turns out, I was wrong.

I am passionate about everything!  I am passionate about children.  I am passionate about hard working mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles, and grandparents who just need a little help making ends meet .  I am passionate about cleaning up our rivers and our parks.  I am passionate about solar technology, or anything else that will ensure we leave our planet in better shape than we found it.  I am passionate about bees (of all things), because every living thing has a purpose on this earth.  Furthermore, after a few meetings with the Board of Junior League, I am passionate about their Read and Feed Garden and the Children's Theatre, too.  The fact of the matter is, whatever YOU are passionate about, I am passionate about. 

Passion is contagious.  When I listened to the CEO of The Greenway Foundation talk about their vision for the parks and waterways in Denver, I fell in love with the organization.  I felt the same way about the Trust for Public Land, when they described a park they built for an underpriviliged community full of kids that need a safe place to play.  I caught the fever when the founders of Grid Alternatives reflected back on their vision for solar in 2003.  Then, fast forward to 2012 where GRID has impacted thousands of families accross California.

The moral of this story..."Fall in love with as many things as possible".  We don't have to limit ourselves.  We can be passionate about all sorts of things.  You don't have to volunteer 52 different places.  Find your own way but find SOME way.


Week 42 Recap:
Junior League of Sacramento - Community Advisory Board Meeting
Eureka Unified School District - Fall Festival

Habitat for Humanity Build, October 20th
Breast Cancer Walk, Sacramento, October 21st
Read and Feed Garden Harvest Festival (Junior League), October 27th

Still Looking for Bike Donations - If you have a used bike to donate to Cycles for Hope, please email me at

Thank you!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Looking for Bikes

Looking for Bikes...
  • I am currently looking for donations of new or used children and adult size bicycles. 
    • All collected bicycles will be donated to Cycles for Hope, "a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization focused on providing Hope, Independence & Opportunity to those in need through the donation of recycled bicycles. Cycles 4 Hope is based in Northern California and currently serves the greater Sacramento region." 
    • If you are able to donate, please email me at

    Monday, October 8, 2012

    Pictures from GRID ALTERNATIVES Solarthon in Chico, October 6th

    This past Saturday, I spent the day in lovely Chico, CA as a volunteer for Grid Alternatives Solarthon. 


    GRID Alternatives' mission is to empower communities in need by providing renewable energy and energy efficiency services, equipment and training. We believe making energy choices that are good for the environment can go hand-in-hand with improving the lives of those living in low-income communities. GRID Alternatives works collaboratively with communities and local organizations to identify specific needs and to develop renewable energy solutions that are environmentally, socially and economically sustainable.
    Currently, GRID Alternatives' core program is the Solar Affordable Housing Program, where we train and lead community volunteers and job trainees from all walks of life to install solar electric systems with low-income homeowners.



    homes solarized

    7.3 MW

    total capacity

    $69 million

    for families


    tons of CO2 saved


    volunteers trained


    Volunteers at this event helped to install brand new solar systems for 7 very deserving families in Chico.  I learned how to measure voltage with a volt meter, pull wire, wire a converter, and wear a hard hat :)  My husband should be proud of me.




    Me looking official in my hard hat :)

    This gentleman (below) was an architect in Mexico who came to the United States.  His credentials would not hold up, here, in the US.  He applied for the CHIP program for affordable housing 3 times before finally being selected.  He was, also, a recipient of solar during a previous installation.  He learned on the spot how to install solar and is now working for GRID.  Very touching story of how program like this impact individuals and their families...


    Getting ready to switch over to Solar...

    This is the owner of the house that my team was installing solar for.  Very, very nice guy and definitely deserving of this gift.


    The team...

    The moment that the meter started spinning backwards, saving this family over $17,000 during the life of the unit.  Glad to have been a part of it. 


    Thursday, October 4, 2012

    Week 40!!!

    WEEK 40!!!  Only 3 months left of 52 Weeks 1 Difference. 

    I took a few weeks of a break (if you can call it that) to take some much needed time out for my family and partipate in Commencement for my Business Degree.  As good as it feels to have all of that time handed back to me, I already find myself filling it up with more things.  I am sure it is a disorder, of some sort, but for this purpose we will call it motivation.  :)
    Coming up...
    This Saturday, October 6th -
    Out of the Darkness Walk hosted by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
    California State Capitol
    Sacramento, CA
    Registration 8:30 am - 9:00 am
    Walk Starts 10:00 am
    ***I have been serving on this event committee for most of the year and truely believe in the mission of AFSP and feel priveledged to be a part of getting the story out***
    Recent happenings...
    • I am excited to say that I have partnered with my friends at The Volunteer Center of Sacramento to add a much needed enhancement to their website. 
      • Please visit and click on "Want to Volunteer Today" and you will see an option for a calendar feature which lists all of the upcoming "one-time" volunteer events. 
      • This idea came to me during one of my many visits to their site to find local volunteer opportunities.  I was finding it difficult to sort through one-time opportunitites vs. ongoing opportunities.  When I reached out to the center, they agreed that a calendar feature would be beneficial but weren't sure they could fund it.  Thanks to a grant from Wells Fargo, we were able to get it done. 
    • On Monday night, I attended my first meeting as an Advisory Board Member for the Junior League of Sacramento. 
      • "The Junior League of Sacramento, Inc. is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women, and to improving communities through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers."
      • Stay tuned for upcoming news and events from the Junior League
    • Tuesday and Wednesday, I was in Denver for a Green Team Leadership Conference for work.  Myself, along with a group of other Wells Fargo volunteers, spent Tuesday afternoon with the  Greenway Foundation, cleaning up Centennial Park along the South Platte River. 
    Looking for Bikes...
    • I am currently looking for donations of new or used children and adult size bicycles. 
      • All collected bicycles will be donated to Cycles for Hope, "a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization focused on providing Hope, Independence & Opportunity to those in need through the donation of recycled bicycles. Cycles 4 Hope is based in Northern California and currently serves the greater Sacramento region." 
      • If you are able to donate, please email me at
    Thank you.  Until next time...