Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Week 42 - Reflection

Looking back on this past week, I feel incredibly inspired.  I know that the mission of "52 Weeks 1 Difference" was to inspire others.  Ironically, the more time I give, the more I learn about all of the AMAZING programs and people that exist in our community.

A movie quote keeps coming to mind.  The movie, Country Strong, was kind of a downer.  However, I love Gwenyth Paltrow's line, "Fall in love with as many things as possible."  That is how I have felt throughout this journey.  My initial thought was that I would volunteer at 52 places and find one or two things that I felt really passionate about.  It turns out, I was wrong.

I am passionate about everything!  I am passionate about children.  I am passionate about hard working mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles, and grandparents who just need a little help making ends meet .  I am passionate about cleaning up our rivers and our parks.  I am passionate about solar technology, or anything else that will ensure we leave our planet in better shape than we found it.  I am passionate about bees (of all things), because every living thing has a purpose on this earth.  Furthermore, after a few meetings with the Board of Junior League, I am passionate about their Read and Feed Garden and the Children's Theatre, too.  The fact of the matter is, whatever YOU are passionate about, I am passionate about. 

Passion is contagious.  When I listened to the CEO of The Greenway Foundation talk about their vision for the parks and waterways in Denver, I fell in love with the organization.  I felt the same way about the Trust for Public Land, when they described a park they built for an underpriviliged community full of kids that need a safe place to play.  I caught the fever when the founders of Grid Alternatives reflected back on their vision for solar in 2003.  Then, fast forward to 2012 where GRID has impacted thousands of families accross California.

The moral of this story..."Fall in love with as many things as possible".  We don't have to limit ourselves.  We can be passionate about all sorts of things.  You don't have to volunteer 52 different places.  Find your own way but find SOME way.


Week 42 Recap:
Junior League of Sacramento - Community Advisory Board Meeting
Eureka Unified School District - Fall Festival

Habitat for Humanity Build, October 20th
Breast Cancer Walk, Sacramento, October 21st
Read and Feed Garden Harvest Festival (Junior League), October 27th

Still Looking for Bike Donations - If you have a used bike to donate to Cycles for Hope, please email me at ashornml@gmail.com

Thank you!

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